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Yorkshire Milestones
Milestone Events
October 2008 - exact date to be announced
Join The Milestone Society for an afternoon stroll around the guide-stoops of Shelley, near Huddersfield, off the A616. Along roadsides, across fields, through muddy woodlands and over stone stiles, so wear strong shoes but an easy pace; bring a drink.  We'll be leaving from outside the Rose and Crown at Thurstonland at 2pm: the distance is about four miles so we should be back around 4pm.
Food is available at The Rose and Crown - contact them on 01484 661872 - or visit the Woodman Inn at Thunderbridge, off the A629, tel 01484 605778, for a tasty lunch before our post-prandial perambulation !!
Contact Jan,    for info

April 2009 - exact date to be announced

Yorkshire branch Spring Meeting: Hebden Village Institute (near Grassington)
Contact Jan,    for info

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