Home How to use the website
Yorkshire Milestones
How to use the website
This website uses Google-map to provide an intuitive way of locating milestones in the Yorkshire area.

Note: The Google-map technology runs locally on your machine, so the speed of upload will depend on your processor speed. We have reduced the density of milestones per map so that the maps will load quickly.

So the big question IS how do I use this?

  • Select an area: North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire etc from the main menu.
  • Once you have clicked on one of those, you will see that this is divided into smaller areas, which allows the Google-map page to load quicker.
  • So you have loaded a map, you will see it has been populated with little red icons, these mark the positions of the milestones.
  • Click on the icon a small window will popup, this will give you an Ordinance Survey grid reference of that milestone location.
  • Within the pop up window will be a clickable opportunity to upload further details of that milestone marker and a picture.


© Copyright Yorkshire Milestones 2007