Forthcoming Events

A typical milestone

Welcome to the web site of the Yorkshire Group of the Milestone Society. You will find a variety of articles on the wealth of historic roadside features in Yorkshire: not just milestones, but other waymarkers, boundary markers, toll-houses, etc.

The Picture galleries section is being developed to illustrate all these features by type or theme.

You will also find information on past and forthcoming activities of the Group, as well as "milestone walks".

Click here for a map showing all Yorkshire's milestones (opens in a new window), or you can visit the Milestone Society Repository site by clicking on the "Find Yorkshire's milestones" menu option on the left to view a map in Google Earth. There you will be able to view all the known milestones in England, Scotland and Wales, as well as boundary markers, crosses, commemorative or lost milestones, fingerposts, tollhouses....

The Milestone Society was formed in 2001 to record milestone data, research their history and raise public awareness of the need for appropriate care of them.You can find information about the society using the link available via the Links menu option under Resources.

Click on the 'Read More' link to find out about navigating the Yorkshire website:

To date, over 18,000 milestones and other waymarkers have been identified: milestones give a ‘sense of place’ as well as indicating directions and distances, being made from local materials and to a wide variety of designs.

The Yorkshire Region has over 1500 waymarkers, milestones, guide stoops, boundary stones and finger posts. If you go to the Repository main menu option, you will find instructions to help you view most of these displayed in Google Earth mapping. Sometimes you can even see them in the Google Earth ‘Streetview’ feature!

The All About Milestones main menu option explains the history of milestones, including specific information about those in Yorkshire. We also take an interest in tollhouses and canal mileposts.

The Yorkshire Group meets every April at Hebden, near Grassington, for a day of interesting speakers, displays and discussion. We also organise other sessions on demand, which have included a workshop on Managing Archives. For information on forthcoming events and past activities, please click the relevant main menu options: Forthcoming Events and Past Activities.

We also like to get ‘out and about’ ! You will find four walks around the West Riding by clicking the Milestone Walks main menu option; we hope you will enjoy following these walks and will encourage other clubs and walking groups to do likewise! If you have other suitable walks, please let us have details.

A number of our members are active in restoration projects, working with the Highways Authorities. You will find guidance on restoring milestones on the national website, or by clicking the Conservation main menu option. We are building up a range of case studies from around the region to inspire you and your council’s Highways and Conservation Officers.

We are always pleased to hear from anyone who has news of a milestone or other The Milestone Societywaymarker in danger from roadworks, as well as suggestions for future events and activities. If you would like to contact us or join us, click here. There is a form for joining the Society using Paypal to safeguard your credit or debit card payments. We look forward to welcoming you.
